So today we went to Lancaster, PA to visit my Aunt Angela and Uncle Paul. They have two dogs Lucy and BB Guy. Lucy was very interested in my toys. She looks innocent, right?

Well, not so much. She has this long, cold nose and she kept stealing my toys, especially my Little People. Funny, those are the toys that Boulder steals too.

I figured if Lucy was going to steal my toys, I would steal her bed! But I wasn't really tired.

So I decided to harass my uncle.

I found my favorite toy...the remote!

After I ate the remote, I played with Auntie Angie. She's so much fun!

She protected me from Lucy. And then I played with Lucy's necklace.

I beat auntie up a little.

We clapped! One of my favorite things to do!

I snuck up on uncle again.

After the day I was very tired and slept the whole way home. I had a blast!

See you later!