Mommy and Daddy have been taking me outside to play. I love running down the driveway. I don't quite have the hang of walking on the sidewalk. What wrong with walking in the middle of the street anyway?? They take me to the park too. I go on the swing and go down the slide.Now, for some reason, it's cold outside again and so I'm leaving a tornado of toys everywhere.
The other day I slipped on a toy in the kitchen and split my lip open. I cried, it bled, Mommy held ice on it for the minute and a half I would let her, and it healed in two days.

Do you think my big lip makes me look tough and not so girlie??

I've been having alot of fun with my kitchen stuff lately.

A pan can be a bowl...

Or a hat.

I run so fast I'm blurry!

I'm trying to figure out what to do with the measuring cup...

Daddy is a goofball and makes me laugh really hard. I do try to stop so I can pose for the camera.

Here is a self portrait with mommy.

I alos like to read books to my animals. Here I am reading to Tiger, Goldie and Fluffy.

That's all for now!

Hopefully I will post some videos soon and show off all my new skillz!