We went to the beach. It was so much fun. The day we got there Mommy and Daddy rented a bike and a Burley. If you don't know what a Burley is, it's a trailer that goes on the back of a bike and can tow kids around. It's very fun. The next day we went and parked at the State Park and then they hooked up the Burley and off we went!

When we arrived there was alot of sand and a huge pool of water. Whey kept telling me it was the bay, but it was a big pool to me. At first, I was a little leery, but by the last day I was walking in the water all by myself.

The water was salty and I liked to try to drink it. I worked on my scooping and kicking in the water too.

One night after dinner, we went to this place on the boardwalk in Rehoboth called Funland. Doesn't THAT sound like a great place??? Even though she barely fit, Mommy rode on the Hot Air Balloon Ride. It was OK.

My favorite ride was the Merry Go Round. I went on twice. Once with mommy and once with daddy.

There was also this obstacle course thingy that I tried to climb through. But at the beginning, there were all these balls. I just couldn't get past them and Mommy and Daddy weren't allowed in with me. So I sat there playing with the balls until a bunch of kids came in and I started to get jumped on. That wasn't really fun, but oh well.

I felt much better after Mommy and Daddy got me an ice cream cone. I did eat alot of ice cream on this trip. I like chocolate like Mommy does.

See, I'm pretty good at this ice cream eating thing. I do like to eat the cones upside down theugh and can't quite figure out why the ice cream keeps falling out.

There's more to tell, but I have to go to bed now.