We went on a vacation! Mommy and Daddy got a house right on the beach. I could see the water from our deck. Here we are day one at the beach after the loooong drive to get there. I think EVERYONE was going to the beach that day.
Leah was less than thrilled at first, but she liked it in the end.
I brought all of my sand toys and my noodle. I love my blue noodle!
The best part was my boat right outside! This is the ferry that goes to New Jersey. No matter how many times it came and went to New Jersey, I never got a new jersey. Go figure.

Nanny and Aunt Katie came for a couple days. We had so much fun!
Aunt Katie is silly.

Leah sat in a high chair in a restaurant for the first time. Mommy is paranoid that she's going to rock herself out and land on the floor.

Leah just played peek a boo.

She is silly too!

One night, actually two nights, we went to this place called Funland.

I rode so many rides! There was the helicopter, the merry go round, the hot air balloon, the boat, the fire engine, the truck, the swings, the airplane, the teacups, the cars, and the ball pit jumpy thing. I'm sure there's more I've forgotten!

I went on the really fast cars! They even went backwards! My favorite ride ended up being the teacups! I went on three times in a row!

We even went Outlet shopping and guess who was there...BARNEY!

We ate out alot. Leah ate and slept so much on this trip it was like she was growing right before our eyes!

This is me looking scared that Leah is going to eat my fingers.

We ate ice cream every night. This is a well deserved sundae after Mommy and Daddy had us out in the Burley for a long, hot ride. Leah did not like her bike helmet!

Daddy grilled out.

And Leah turned nine months old on our last day there. Nice drool, Leah.

She had a fun birthday. She ate and slept!

Check out her snaggletooth!

Here is the path from our house. Bye, bye beach and ocean. See you next year!