Saturday, October 25, 2008

Busy Week

Well, I'm all done with swimming lessons. Not to brag or anything, but I'm pretty sure I was the best swimmer in the class. So on Thursday instead of going to the Y, Miss Tracey and Halina came over. Halina is two months younger than me and very cute. You'll have to excuse me in my pj's, I had just gotten up from a nap.Halina and I like play together pretty good for babies.
After they left, Mommy and I went to the mall to try shoes on for me. We didn't get any, Mommy said she would buy them online, whatever that means. Notice my forehead. There are no bruises. I look pretty as a picture.
Lately, I've been trying to pull myself into standing. I do alot of sitting up and playing in my crib too. Well, these activities have led me to fall on my head. And here are the results of my lack of coordination. I got both sides of my head. I cry when I bang my head. Mommy and Daddy have been calling me 'Bonk'. Is that mean?
Well all this practice makes perfect. On Friday, Daddy stood me up in my crib. I fell down, but then I was able to pull myself up!
On Saturday I had to show Mommy. I went to bed, but then I pulled myself up. Mommy came to check on me 'cause I was crying weird. This is what she found...
I pulled myself up, but I couldn't figure out how to get back down. I'm going to be walking soon , so look out!Yes, I'm very proud of myself!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ellioak Farm

Today we went to Clark Ellioak's Farm. There was all kind of fun stuff to do. First, we walked around and met all kinds of animals that I've only seen in books. I got to get close and pet them. This goat was very cute.
This horse thought my pumpkin socks were a carrot.This donkey got so close to eating my foot that Mommy freaked out a little:)
The pigs said 'oink, oink!'
Check out this funky chicken!
I rode around on Daddy's shoulders!Here''s me petting the Angora Goat

Then we went to go pick out a pumpkin in the pumpkin patch! There were so many to choose from.
"I want this one!"
I could pick it up myself!
I wonder what it tastes like?!?!
I was very happy to find my very own pumpkin.
Me pickin' my punkin'

When we were done, I was so tired. I tried to nap in the pumpkin patch, but Mommy and Daddy took me home with my pumpkin.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ten months

Ten months is harder than I thought it would be. I guess it's because I'm sick. I think that the pretty orange creamsickle ice cream is making things that come out the other was yucky. My rear is on fire. Just so you know, Daddy gets the brunt of them! It's a plot Mommy and I put together.heheh. I turned ten months old today. I wearing grown up clothes with snaps at the bottom, but they are very stylish. Here's some pics from me right before bedtime.Notice my pretty hair. I had peas and sweet potatoes all over very nourishing.
I haven't started wearing shoes yet, but I have a pretty pair. Maybe I'll wear them tomorrow. They taste good at least!
I'm ready to get my diaper changed AGAIN! Don't forget to load me up with salve and powder!

There is another post I'm trying to get up. But I'm having some problems getting the vid small enough. Maybe I'll just post it in You Tube. It's a funny vid so keep posted.

Run, Forrest, run!

I haven't been up to much lately because I've been sick. I had a runny nose for a few days, so Mommy took me to the doctor. Just to reassure her that I needed to go see the doctor, I threw up on her in the waiting area. Hehe! I felt better after, but Mommy was all yucky! Anyway, I have double ear infections, but I'm feeling better already.
I was home with Daddy today and he got the full effect of my antibiotics:) Let's just say, it's a little messy. But as I said, I'm feeling better. As you can see in this vid, not only can I crawl and sit myself up now, but I can run!

Can anyone please tell me why I can only run in circles?!?! Will I ever break free?

I have eight teeth now! Mommy thought I had four teeth coming in, but they were just wide teeth, there were only two. Eight teeth at ten months isn't half bad! Everyday I eat more and more stuff. We were at a picnic on Sunday and I got to eat real chicken from mommy's plate. It was delicious! Much better than the jarred stuff.

Well, I should go to bed. I have a long day of chasing toddlers at daycare tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Nine Plus Months

So I've been very busy over the week. Last Thursday Daddy took me to swim class. It was so much fun. He's so silly and doesn't really know any real words to my songs. Come to think of it, Mommy doesn't really either. Anyway, it was funny to see him hanging out with all the other mommies. My daddy is fun!

After swimming, Nanny was at my house. She brought me all kinds of new clothes. Yea for Nanny. Mommy and Daddy went out and I proceeded to start crawling! I haven't figured out how to get my belly off the ground, but I can pretty much terrorize the dogs, steal cell phones, and make sure Mommy and Daddy are ALWAYS paying attention to me! See for yourself...

I still think being thrown in the air is laugh out loud funny!

On Saturday afternoon, I was supposed to be taking a nap. Mommy thought I was asleep, but then she heard me giggling! When she came up stairs, she caught me red-handed. I was sitting up in my crib, laughing my head off. Mommy was so shocked that she didn't have time to get the camera. I've finally gotten so good at it that I can do it anytime.

Granted it's alot easier when I'm not on the wood floor. Sitting up on my own has opened up a whole new world for me. I can see where my toys go when I throw them out of the crib. I can spy Mommy and Daddy coming to check on me, and I can reach the wall outlets pretty easily!

I've also learned how to drink out of a sippy cup. Mommy keeps trying to film it, but I won't let her. I still need help lifting the cup up. Maybe when I'm good at it, I'll show a vid.

The last thing I learned this past week was how to eat a real apple. Mommy has been giving me this funky thing for weeks and I thought I was supposed to bang it on the tray and then throw it on the floor. Well, no, it's actually stuffed with apples and when you eat them through this funky thing you don't choke. Who knew?

Well that's all for now. I'm getting on my parents case for not snapping too many photos of me lately...slackers.Next week I'll be ten months old. Maybe I'll start walking by then...I'm trying real hard to stand on my own.