So I've been very busy over the week. Last Thursday Daddy took me to swim class. It was so much fun. He's so silly and doesn't really know any real words to my songs. Come to think of it, Mommy doesn't really either. Anyway, it was funny to see him hanging out with all the other mommies. My daddy is fun!
After swimming, Nanny was at my house. She brought me all kinds of new clothes. Yea for Nanny. Mommy and Daddy went out and I proceeded to start crawling! I haven't figured out how to get my belly off the ground, but I can pretty much terrorize the dogs, steal cell phones, and make sure Mommy and Daddy are ALWAYS paying attention to me! See for yourself...
I still think being thrown in the air is laugh out loud funny!
On Saturday afternoon, I was supposed to be taking a nap. Mommy thought I was asleep, but then she heard me giggling! When she came up stairs, she caught me red-handed. I was sitting up in my crib, laughing my head off. Mommy was so shocked that she didn't have time to get the camera. I've finally gotten so good at it that I can do it anytime.
Granted it's alot easier when I'm not on the wood floor. Sitting up on my own has opened up a whole new world for me. I can see where my toys go when I throw them out of the crib. I can spy Mommy and Daddy coming to check on me, and I can reach the wall outlets pretty easily!
I've also learned how to drink out of a sippy cup. Mommy keeps trying to film it, but I won't let her. I still need help lifting the cup up. Maybe when I'm good at it, I'll show a vid.
The last thing I learned this past week was how to eat a real apple. Mommy has been giving me this funky thing for weeks and I thought I was supposed to bang it on the tray and then throw it on the floor. Well, no, it's actually stuffed with apples and when you eat them through this funky thing you don't choke. Who knew?
Well that's all for now. I'm getting on my parents case for not snapping too many photos of me lately...slackers.Next week I'll be ten months old. Maybe I'll start walking by then...I'm trying real hard to stand on my own.