Well, I'm all done with swimming lessons. Not to brag or anything, but I'm pretty sure I was the best swimmer in the class. So on Thursday instead of going to the Y, Miss Tracey and Halina came over. Halina is two months younger than me and very cute. You'll have to excuse me in my pj's, I had just gotten up from a nap.

Halina and I like play together pretty good for babies.

After they left, Mommy and I went to the mall to try shoes on for me. We didn't get any, Mommy said she would buy them online, whatever that means. Notice my forehead. There are no bruises. I look pretty as a picture.
Lately, I've been trying to pull myself into standing. I do alot of sitting up and playing in my crib too. Well, these activities have led me to fall on my head.

And here are the results of my lack of coordination. I got both sides of my head. I cry when I bang my head. Mommy and Daddy have been calling me 'Bonk'. Is that mean?

Well all this practice makes perfect. On Friday, Daddy stood me up in my crib. I fell down, but then I was able to pull myself up!
On Saturday I had to show Mommy. I went to bed, but then I pulled myself up. Mommy came to check on me 'cause I was crying weird. This is what she found...

I pulled myself up, but I couldn't figure out how to get back down. I'm going to be walking soon , so look out!

Yes, I'm very proud of myself!
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