Check out this serious cake. This is one of the perks of being three. No more sugarless cakes made by mommy.

In honor of my Minnie themed birthday, I thought I'd wear my Minnie outfit.

Leah stole my ears at one point.

Halina came to party!

So did her brother, Jojo.

As usual, Leah was hogging all of Pappy's attention.

Baby Robert came too!

Here's some random photos. See the Minnie in the corner? That was actually a pinata filled with candy!

All of us kids ate at the little tables. That's Colin and Jake.

The MacLellans came too.

After food and cake we opened presents.

This quickly became a group project.

I didn't mind though!

The more the merrier!

I was mesmerized by the recorder I got. I think it's Daddy's favorite present that I got.

I got a vet kit too. Now I can help Boulder feel better.

Jake is not so sure about this.

Leah, of course, took my money and wouldn't give it back!

She is waaaaay obsessed with money.

Here we are with Pappy getting ready to fix what ails him:)

For some reason, there are no pictures of Auntie Gail. Auntie Gail was a big part of my party. Without her we would have starved and not eaten Mickey eggs and Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto, Donald and Daisy pancakes! Thanks everyone for coming to my party!
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