Last Friday daycare was closed, so on a whim, Mommy decided to take us to the mall to get our pictures taken together. First Mommy forgot our barrettes and had to buy new ones. That should have been the first clue to turn around and go home. But Mommy never knew when she'd get the opportunity again, so we trudged on with the nightmare. First, Leah was terrified of the photographer and ran screaming to Mommy as soon as she saw her. So the photographer decided to take some of me by myself. I gave her my best smile, scrunched up face and all.

So she tried to get me to relax my face.

It's really hard being this cute.

I really liked posing without Leah...don't tell her though.

I even was able to get rid of my scrunched face!

Then she brought our a piano. It was fun to play and just my size.

Then the scrunched face made another appearance:)

Finally, Mommy was able to calm Leah down with Goldfish crackers. Thanks to Auntie Gail, Leah is addicted to them! So here she is with her mouth full.

Mouth full, but sharing with me.

Mouth really full!

She just kept stuffing them in!

This picture just cracks Mommy up!

I finally got Leah to smile by tickling her! She usually isn't suck a crankpot!

Look we sat still for one minute! Ok, it was only one second!

Wardrobe change and the scrunchy face is back!

Leah smiling again! See her big dimple!

What do you know, Goldfish crackers!

After that, Leah melted down again and I got to get my picture taken solo again.

Yes, I am really this cool.

She told me to smell the flowers, but they were fake. Someone should tell her...

This is my best non scrunchy face.

Mommy got in on the act in the end in an attempt to calm Leah down. Mommy wan't expecting to get her picture taken.

Leah kind of calmed down, but not enough. The photographer was none to happy with us by the end. Leah had crumbs everywhere and there were really no good pictures of us together.

Maybe next time...if there is a next time!
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