It's been kind of a busy week. Mommy and Daddy actually went a whole week without taking a picture of me. The nerve of them! Friday I went to work with Mommy almost all day. I had a blast! I was held and fed by alot of different people. One time I was laughing so hard, Mommy could hear me all the way across the room. Then Daddy came to pick me up. When he saw me, he threw me up in the air. I thought some of Mommy's residents were going to have a heart attack. I thought it was funny.
In other news, my doggie, Boulder, just keeps getting more and more pathetic. Don't get me wrong. He's a good dog and all. He doesn't eat my toys, but he does lick my face alot more than I prefer. Lately though, he's been clamoring for attention from my mommy and daddy. He even went as far to steal my bib!
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