Today Mommy and I had a new adventure. She took me to the YMCA to go swimming! It was actually a class called Skippers. I was one of the youngest ones there. I didn't cry at all. I screamed towards the end, but that's because it was nap time. But I never cried, I was just reminding Mommy that I may need some sleep. There were 11 other babies and mommies, but as I said they were older and some of them cried. You would think they never saw a giant bathtub before. Maybe they just wanted bubbles or something. To be clear, all of the cry babies were boys. Yup, boys are babies. Anyway, back to the fun part.We got in a circle and the Mommies sang songs and we swam along. First we swam on our bellies, then our backs. I even got dunked under the water (yes, on purpose) by the teacher Miss Jenn. Mommy was too afraid to do it herself. I unfortunately kept my mouth open and drank a little water. But, let's be clear, I didn't cry. I had already swallowed some water while I was kicking my legs and splashing my arms. After class, I was still trying to swim on the floor while Mommy was trying to get me dressed.

I was very tired after we finally left that I fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep after Daddy got me out and put me in my crib. Swimming is fun but it can wear a baby out.
For dinner I was famished. I had one of my favorites, fresh avocado. This picture is for you Uncle Zane. I hope you print it out and keep it on your desk at school!

Nanny, I'm glad you are feeling better! Mommy and Daddy say we'll be up soon for a visit!
Hopefully next week Daddy will come to class and take pictures of me actually swimming. You all would be very impressed! I hope the boys have their acts together next week:)
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