Monday, February 23, 2009

My New Chair

Nanny gave me a new ladybug chair. Its really fun and makes me excited to go to the beach this summer. I sit in my chair and do alot of fun things. I have trouble getting into the chair so Mommy and Daddy have to help me into it.

This is me playing with my pink doggie.Brushing my hair.
Playing the drums.
Reading a book.
And eating and playing with my dolly.
I did figure out how to climb up and stand on the chair. I'm really good at getting up on things, but not getting down. Now, I'm only allowed to play on my chair when Mommy and Daddy are with me.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Me, a Model?!?!

Mommy and Daddy were trying to get a picture of me to send into some contest. Something about Regis and Kelly and a college scholarship. I don't even want to know what I want to be when I grow up and Mommy and Daddy are already trying to figure out how to pay for it! I think they just want to be on TV. Anyway, here are some shots...

Too much lego
Too serious

Too pensive

This is the one they sent in

You got a winner, please stop taking my picture. Help I'm being stalked by the Paparazzi!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Other Dog

You always see me with Boulder the Boxer. That's 'cause he's a beggar and loves constant attention. This is Riley. She's 12, that's 84 in dog years. She gives me one big kiss once in a while, but mostly she sleeps. But she's a good dog!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Things I Like

I like sitting in my chairWith my Teddy Bear
Reading a book
Or eating one
Leading a cheer
Changing the channel
Riding on my truck
Looking innocent
and looking for the next thing to destroy.
I now have two molars!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Walkin' and Talkin'

As Nanny has reminded my mommy, it's been way too ling since I've posted. I've changed alot since my last post. I can walk now and I'm starting to talk so you can actually understand me. Things I can say are: doggie (comes out daydo sometimes, but I'm getting better), woof, woof, cheese, uh oh spaghettio, oh boy, toy, night night, hi, and bye bye. Enjoy the videos! I promise to keep up with my blog!