Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Quadridexterity

So Daddy caught me playing with my cube in my crib. I was holding it in my feet and beating on it like a drum. Nanny just bought me a drum, so I drum on everything now. Anyway, Daddy tried to get me in action..I think he succeeded.

It's been kind of a busy week. Mommy and Daddy actually went a whole week without taking a picture of me. The nerve of them! Friday I went to work with Mommy almost all day. I had a blast! I was held and fed by alot of different people. One time I was laughing so hard, Mommy could hear me all the way across the room. Then Daddy came to pick me up. When he saw me, he threw me up in the air. I thought some of Mommy's residents were going to have a heart attack. I thought it was funny.

In other news, my doggie, Boulder, just keeps getting more and more pathetic. Don't get me wrong. He's a good dog and all. He doesn't eat my toys, but he does lick my face alot more than I prefer. Lately though, he's been clamoring for attention from my mommy and daddy. He even went as far to steal my bib!
Just look at him! Like my parents would mistake you, a hairy beast, for me! Boulder, you have taken pathetic to a whole new level. Now, give me my bib back!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Boulder

Every time my doggie, Boulder, walks by, I giggle. He's so funny looking. Sometimes he likes to get real close to me.
First, he sniffs make sure I'm the right baby, I guess.
Then he licks my face. Yuk!I'm not sure why he's so licky, but I think it has to do with not getting my face washed off after eating.
Stop it! That tickles!
I love to pick toys up with my feet. Mommy says I'm that even a word?!?!My latest favorite thing is standing. I can't pull myself up yet, but I'm trying. I need someone nearby too, 'cause sometimes I fall from standing...oops!Bye for now!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Latest in Video!

So, I told you before, I started a swimming class. Yesterday was my third class. I finally figured out that when I go under London Bridge, that I actually go under the water. Now, I remember to shut my mouth and I don't swallow any water. No sputtering for me! These vids are from last week. I'm still a little green to the swimming concept in them. Hopefully Daddy will come again and you can see my progress!

Recently, I figured out I can walk around in my activity center. Sometimes it's easier to go backwards! But it's really fun and I can play with any toys I want! Of course, sometimes I get obsessed with things that are not my toys, like a tag from Daddy's work stuff...

I have a cute little pink dog. I haven't given him an official name yet, but I like Pinky Tuscadero... don't ask my why. Mommy and Daddy have let me start napping with him. Apparently we wrestle in my sleep. It seems Pinky may have won. Can you believe Mommy took my picture with a flash and woke me up!?!? Oh well, we had to go straight to swim class anyway!

After class yesterday I had my nine month check up! I weigh 17 pounds, 13 ounces and I'm 28.5 inches long! Mommy says I need a new car seat! I'm not crawling forward yet, but I'm getting real close!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hangin' Outside

Yesterday I turned nine months old! Mommy and Daddy keep saying I'm getting too big, but I still can't stand as tall as them, so I'm not sure what they are talking about. We had no plans this weekend, but on Saturday, Mommy and I went to see Halina and Tracey and we went to a consignment sale. I loved checking out all the clothes and I think I put almost every tag in my mouth. On Sunday, we visited more friends and even hung out with my future hubby, Collin, and his family. Collin is fun, but his big brother, Jake, keeps me entertained. Their mommy, Miss Amy, took pictures so I'll post them as soon as I get them.
Today, I went to Mommy's work in the afternoon. I had a blast and skipped my afternoon nap. I played with the housekeepers. They put me in a big rolling laundry cart with a bunch of warm towels and let me jump around. Mommy said she could hear me laughing down the hallway. Then they fed me Ritz crackers. All I have to say is yum-o.
So after we got home today, I was so wound up, Mommy took me outside. I love rolling off the nice big blanket and picking grass. I pick it with my hands.
Then I try to eat it:)
I even pick it with my toes.

I'm off to wreak havoc at daycare tomorrow...wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm Wacco for Flacco

Mommy says I'm a football fan. And right now pretty much what Mommy or Daddy says, goes. In my house we are Ravens fans. They won their season opener this year with a rookie quarterback. It was very least the first quarter was and then I napped for the rest of the day.
Boulder is a fan too!
He has a big mouth ...
And stinky breath!
Here's Mommy and I watching the game. Okay, I played with my toys, I wasn't glued to the TV or anything!
See, Boulder's a fan too! Riley was no where to be seen during the game. She hides when Mommy cheers for some reason. Look out Houston here we come!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Things to do on a rainy day

Here are some things that I did today during all the rain:

I ate an elephant.
Then I tried to play his trunk like a musical instrument.
Then I ate a cube.
Checked to see what Mommy and Daddy were doing.
Ate egg yolks for the first time.
They were very yummy.
I figured out what Daddy was doing and tried to help him.
Then I giggled.Checked to see what the dogs were doing.
Showed Daddy my scary face.

I hope it doesn't rain again tomorrow. I want to go outside! Daddy has a race, but Mommy and I are going to watch the Ravens!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

There's No Crying in Swimming

Today Mommy and I had a new adventure. She took me to the YMCA to go swimming! It was actually a class called Skippers. I was one of the youngest ones there. I didn't cry at all. I screamed towards the end, but that's because it was nap time. But I never cried, I was just reminding Mommy that I may need some sleep. There were 11 other babies and mommies, but as I said they were older and some of them cried. You would think they never saw a giant bathtub before. Maybe they just wanted bubbles or something. To be clear, all of the cry babies were boys. Yup, boys are babies. Anyway, back to the fun part.We got in a circle and the Mommies sang songs and we swam along. First we swam on our bellies, then our backs. I even got dunked under the water (yes, on purpose) by the teacher Miss Jenn. Mommy was too afraid to do it herself. I unfortunately kept my mouth open and drank a little water. But, let's be clear, I didn't cry. I had already swallowed some water while I was kicking my legs and splashing my arms. After class, I was still trying to swim on the floor while Mommy was trying to get me dressed.

I was very tired after we finally left that I fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep after Daddy got me out and put me in my crib. Swimming is fun but it can wear a baby out.

For dinner I was famished. I had one of my favorites, fresh avocado. This picture is for you Uncle Zane. I hope you print it out and keep it on your desk at school!
Nanny, I'm glad you are feeling better! Mommy and Daddy say we'll be up soon for a visit!

Hopefully next week Daddy will come to class and take pictures of me actually swimming. You all would be very impressed! I hope the boys have their acts together next week:)