Monday, April 27, 2009

You Should See My Stork Pose

Saturday was my last yoga class. I'm very sad it has come to an end. Hopefully, it will restart in the summer or fall, but who knows. I don't want to forget tree pose or hop along yogi! Here's some pick from the last day.

This is me with Miss Katie's dolly, Molly. I hang out with her sometimes.
There was this idea to put us all together like a flower and take our picture.
As you can see, it's hard to get a bunch of toddlers to sit still for a picture!
I'm holding a lizard and baby Molly (yes another Molly) is holding onto Cooper's shirt.
Molly and I sat still the longest.
Miss Katie said that this was the longest she ever saw me sit still! I think she may be right...unless I'm sleeping, of course!
Then we did our yoga headstands.
Miss Katie, the instructor is on the right with Cooper.
Thanks to Cooper's mom for taking the pictures!
We crawled through the tunnel.
I was sad when the tunnel went out in the hallway.
I'm going to miss yoga. Fortunately, Mommy remembers most of the songs and poses! I think maybe we'll do swim lessons over the summer.
See ya later!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I Got...

A NEW CAR!!! Mommy got me this really cool cozy coupe on Saturday. It's so much fun to cruise around outside. There's a horn...
keys, and an alarm! Don't touch my cozy coupe, man!
See you later, I'm off to cruise!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Pics

On Easter weekend we did alot of traveling. We went to a bike race on Saturday. Mommy and I stayed and played in the car 'cause it was cold and rainy. Sometimes I think my daddy needs his head examined. Then we went to Grandma Swarm's house. Mommy and Daddy took no pictures because they were too tired. On Sunday we went to Nanny and Pappy's house.

This is me in my Easter dress with my dog, Fluffy.
Do you ever think my hair will grow?While we were there, I found the biggest jar of animal crackers ever seen in the history of the world!
I tried picking it up.
I tried kicking it over to my daddy to open.
I even tried opening it my self. My daddy finally felt sorry for me and I did get a couple crackers!
This is Nanny and Pappy's dog, Max. I loved that he was behind a door and couldn't slobber all over me. I'm not so sure that he liked it though.
I hope everyone had a nice Easter!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

See How I"ve Grown

Here are some videos of me:

This is me playing outside as soon as it warmed up outside. This is my favorite pink ball!

I love eating pears! I can eat them right off the core.

This shows my italian side!

March Madness for Easter!

I hope you enjoyed!
ps: to my mommy's FB friends, if you want to see the vids you have to to go

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Thought it was Spring!

Mommy and Daddy have been taking me outside to play. I love running down the driveway. I don't quite have the hang of walking on the sidewalk. What wrong with walking in the middle of the street anyway?? They take me to the park too. I go on the swing and go down the slide.Now, for some reason, it's cold outside again and so I'm leaving a tornado of toys everywhere.

The other day I slipped on a toy in the kitchen and split my lip open. I cried, it bled, Mommy held ice on it for the minute and a half I would let her, and it healed in two days.
Do you think my big lip makes me look tough and not so girlie??
I've been having alot of fun with my kitchen stuff lately.
A pan can be a bowl...
Or a hat.
I run so fast I'm blurry!
I'm trying to figure out what to do with the measuring cup...
Daddy is a goofball and makes me laugh really hard. I do try to stop so I can pose for the camera.
Here is a self portrait with mommy.
I alos like to read books to my animals. Here I am reading to Tiger, Goldie and Fluffy.
That's all for now!Hopefully I will post some videos soon and show off all my new skillz!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I'll Try to Be Good

It's been a while since I last posted, sorry about that. You see, now that I can walk and run, my parents are very busy keeping me safe and not taking my picture. I will try to be good so they can catch me in action. I love that the weather is getting warmer and I can play outside. Mommy has taken me to the park a couple times. I love the swing and the little slide. I take my stuffed dog, Fluffy, almost every where I go. He even rides on the swing with me! I love playing with balls too. I even have one I can sit on and bounce and a little pink one I kick around the house. I love to jump on the bed too. Sometimes I do it in the middle of the night! My mommy and daddy says this wakes them, so I try not to do it in the middle of the night. I'm trying to be good. Mommy got me some crayons. I love taking them out and putting them in the box. I'm not so sure about coloring with them though. Lastly, I have all my molars for now and I'm just waiting for my canine teeth to come in. Then I'll be ready for full toddler biting! Just kidding! I'll try to be good!
I will try to post more in April!!