Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving and Other Ramblings

I hope everyone had a fun Thanksgiving. We went next door to Emma's house. There were a bunch of people there and we played alot. I went right to sleep that night. Here are me and Leah before dinner. Leah slept through the whole thing...even when people were holding her.
Here I am modeling the dress that Nanny made me.
And here I am making a hand puppet with my shirt. Talented, aren't I?
Here's Leah taking her first bath. She still has her yucky belly button thingy, so it was just a sponge bath. She slept through most of it and didn't like the rest of it.She was wide awake after. This is a rare moment unless it's 2 am!Here she is looking all innocent, like she's not keeping Mommy up all night.
I'm trying to teach her how to suck her thumb so we can make Mommy and Daddy buy us braces later on.
Sometimes she cries so much it stresses me out.So I do some Downward Dog to help me relax!
So far having a sister is pretty cool, I guess.

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